[EI-Analytics] Configure WSO2 SP for WSO2 EI
This is a simple guide on how to enable analytics for WSO2 Enterprise Integrator using WSO2 Stream Processor. Now that the WSO2 EI analytics are done using Siddhi, the following will help you on configuring SP to publish data from EI. Even though WSO2 EI has analytics built in with the product, if you need more than one analytics solution such as WSO2 IS, WSO2 APIM and WSO2 EI altogether, you need to configure analytics for each product using SP.
- Download latest EI and SP packs from WSO2.
2. Change the Thrift Port of SP to Thrift Port of EI. Modify the <SP_HOME>/conf/worker/deployment.yaml file.
3. Point both EI and SP s SSL keystore to the same SSL folder. We can simply do this by modifying the <EI_HOME>/conf/data-bridge/data-agent-config.xml file.
Modify the Thrift and Binary Data Agent entries in the data-agent-config.xml by adding the TrustSore and TrustSorePassword properties.
Copy the client-truststore.jks file location from SP pack. Which is <SP_HOME>/resources/security and edit the TrustStore property.
So the modified data-agent-config.xml should have the the below properies in it.
4. Now we’ve to change the http listener port of SP by editing the <SP_HOME>/conf/worker/deployment.yaml. We can use any other port as the listener but 9090 or 9443. I used port 9091 for default http listener and 9444 for msf4j listener, since EI WSO2 Microservices Framework for Java (WSO2 MSF4J) use the port 9090 as default HTTP interface.
5. Add the type Carbon Configuration Parameter to SP-worker and start SP from worker profile.
type: wso2-ei-analytics
The above is the modified <SP_HOME>/conf/worker/deployment.yaml
SP deploys the EI_Analytics_StatApp.siddhi when the type parameter is set. Start SP from its worker runtime. Go to <SP_HOME>/bin and run the worker.sh script
6. Enable mediation statistics and message tracing by configuring the <EI_HOME>/conf/synapse.properties file as shown below.
7. Now start EI from its integrator profile. Go to <EI_HOME>/bin
8. Once the EI is up and running, go to management console and enable statistics (and tracing), from deployed services.
9. Now the msf4j service needs to be started. Go to <EI_HOME>/wso2/msf4j/bin
10. Send requests to the services deployed using the EI.
11. Start dashboard runtime of SP. Go to <SP_HOME>/bin
12. View the “Enterprise Integrator Analytics” dashboard, to see the analytics on WSO2 EI.
This explains how you can easily Configure WSO2 SP for WSO2 EI for EI-Analytics.