Configuring H2 Secondary User Stores in WSO2 Identity Server
using the Management Console
Start WSO2-IS server and login to the Management Console
In the Main/Identity menu, select the User Stores/Add option to add a new user store.
In the “Add New User Store” page add the below configurations, to create a secondary user store called Secondary.
User Store Manager
User Store Manager Class : org.wso2.carbon.user.core.jdbc.JDBCUserStoreManagerDomain Name : SecondaryDescription : secondary user store
Define Properties For <your secondary user store>
Connection URL : jdbc:h2:./repository/database/WSO2CARBON_DBConnection Name : wso2carbonConnection Password: wso2carbonDriver Name : org.h2.Driver
Just to configure this h2 database we can use the default Optional and Advanced configurations.
Before adding the store we can test the connection.
Once you successfully add the store, we can see it in the “User Stores” page, and this is where we can edit and delete the the created user stores from here.